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Various Fotos

147 Bilder
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SHM 657 KIKKER takes part in the daily steam loco parade at Utrecht CS during gthe festivities of 150 years of railways in gthe Netherlands, here on 2 August 1989.
SHM 657 KIKKER takes part in the daily steam loco parade at Utrecht CS during gthe festivities of 150 years of railways in gthe Netherlands, here on 2 August 1989.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 24 July 1991 steam engine  TOM' of Hoogovens Excursies stands at Beverwijk.
On 24 July 1991 steam engine "TOM' of Hoogovens Excursies stands at Beverwijk.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Netherlands / Steam locomotives / Various

105 1200x853 Px, 26.10.2020

Ex-BR, later ex-NS 73755 LONGMOOR stands in the Netherlands railway Museum at Utrecht-Maliebaan on 1 August 1995.
Ex-BR, later ex-NS 73755 LONGMOOR stands in the Netherlands railway Museum at Utrecht-Maliebaan on 1 August 1995.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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