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Various Fotos

147 Bilder
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Passengers board an extra ZLSM train with 1040 at the reins at Schin-op-Geul on 13 August 2005.
Passengers board an extra ZLSM train with 1040 at the reins at Schin-op-Geul on 13 August 2005.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Side view on ex-SJ 1220 at Simpelveld on 8 July 2017. Sadly, not one of the five ex-SJ steam engines at the ZLSM/Miljoenenlijn is operational anymore.
Side view on ex-SJ 1220 at Simpelveld on 8 July 2017. Sadly, not one of the five ex-SJ steam engines at the ZLSM/Miljoenenlijn is operational anymore.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Ex SJ 1220 stands with a ZLSM steam train ready for departure at Simpelveld on 11 July 2010.
Ex SJ 1220 stands with a ZLSM steam train ready for departure at Simpelveld on 11 July 2010.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Tram loco SHM-8 hauls a typical steam tram of the Gooi out of Wognum-Nibbixwoud on 28 September 2013.
Tram loco SHM-8 hauls a typical steam tram of the Gooi out of Wognum-Nibbixwoud on 28 September 2013.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Tram loco SHM-18 hauls a typical steam tram of the Gooi out of Wognum-Nibbixwoud for Medemblik on 28 September 2013.
Tram loco SHM-18 hauls a typical steam tram of the Gooi out of Wognum-Nibbixwoud for Medemblik on 28 September 2013.
Leonardus Schrijvers

SHM-18 runs round at Wognum-Nibbixwoud on 28 September 2013.
SHM-18 runs round at Wognum-Nibbixwoud on 28 September 2013.
Leonardus Schrijvers

In the balance! On 4 March 2012 ex-Rhijnspoorweg 107 is seen lifted on a loco maintenance bridge at the Nederlandsch Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht-Maliebaan.
In the balance! On 4 March 2012 ex-Rhijnspoorweg 107 is seen lifted on a loco maintenance bridge at the Nederlandsch Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht-Maliebaan.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 28 September 2013 SHM-16 stands at Hoorn at the loco shed of the Stoomtram Hoorn-Medemblik.
On 28 September 2013 SHM-16 stands at Hoorn at the loco shed of the Stoomtram Hoorn-Medemblik.
Leonardus Schrijvers

SHM-16 leaves Wognum-Nibbixwoud with a steam tram to Hoorn on 25 October 2015.
SHM-16 leaves Wognum-Nibbixwoud with a steam tram to Hoorn on 25 October 2015.
Leonardus Schrijvers

SHM-30 hauls a steam tram towards Medemblik out of Hoorn on 24 October 2009.
SHM-30 hauls a steam tram towards Medemblik out of Hoorn on 24 October 2009.
Leonardus Schrijvers

NS steam loco 2104 stands on 9 March 2014 at the NSM in Utrecht.
NS steam loco 2104 stands on 9 March 2014 at the NSM in Utrecht.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 21 October 2005, SSN at Rotterdam still owned fireless steam loco 6326, that is seen here at Rotterdam Noord Goederen, homebase of the SSN -yet. There are rumours of urban planning schemes that might convert the home base of SSN into a new residential area.
On 21 October 2005, SSN at Rotterdam still owned fireless steam loco 6326, that is seen here at Rotterdam Noord Goederen, homebase of the SSN -yet. There are rumours of urban planning schemes that might convert the home base of SSN into a new residential area.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 25 October 2015, still to be restored NS 6513 stands in Hoorn with the SHM.
On 25 October 2015, still to be restored NS 6513 stands in Hoorn with the SHM.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Former SJ 1090 departs on 12 July 1999 with a steam train from Schin-op-Geul. Sadly, this nice engine is out of order for more than a decade.
Former SJ 1090 departs on 12 July 1999 with a steam train from Schin-op-Geul. Sadly, this nice engine is out of order for more than a decade.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 8 July 2017 ZLSM 1040 hauls an extra train, consisting of SSN-coahces from Rotterdam, out of Simpelveld.
On 8 July 2017 ZLSM 1040 hauls an extra train, consisting of SSN-coahces from Rotterdam, out of Simpelveld.
Leonardus Schrijvers

ZLSM 1040 hauls a steam train to Kerkrade out of Simpelveld on 12 July 2014.
ZLSM 1040 hauls a steam train to Kerkrade out of Simpelveld on 12 July 2014.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Extra train with ZLSM, ex-SJ 1040 stands on a grey 13 August 2005 at Schin-op-Geul.
Extra train with ZLSM, ex-SJ 1040 stands on a grey 13 August 2005 at Schin-op-Geul.
Leonardus Schrijvers

MBS, ex SHM 657 KIKKER takes part in a loco parade on 14 October 2014 at Amersfoort.
MBS, ex SHM 657 KIKKER takes part in a loco parade on 14 October 2014 at Amersfoort.
Leonardus Schrijvers

MBS, ex SHM 657 KIKKER takes part in a loco parade on 14 October 2014 at Amersfoort.
MBS, ex SHM 657 KIKKER takes part in a loco parade on 14 October 2014 at Amersfoort.
Leonardus Schrijvers

MBS, ex SHM 657 KIKKER takes part in a loco parade on 14 October 2014 at Amersfoort.
MBS, ex SHM 657 KIKKER takes part in a loco parade on 14 October 2014 at Amersfoort.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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