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. Z 2007 as RE 3390 Wiltz - Kautenbach photographed near Merkholtz on March 26th, 2014. (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 28.3.2014 8:09
A nice spring pictures!

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 8.4.2014 12:06
Thanks a lot, Stefan.
I'm enjoying your nice comment.
Best regards

Simply a beauty .... The express train steam locomotive 18 201 (ex DR 18 201 ex DR 02 0201-0) of the Dampf Plus (steam plus) stands at 24.08.2013 in the DB Steam Locomotive Work (DLW) in Meiningen. Here without tender. It is, with a top speed of 182.5 km / h, the fastest operable steam locomotive in the world. In addition, it is unique, gave this locomotive and there is only one in the world. The picture was taken at a public tour. (zum Bild)

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 14.1.2014 17:07
A great capture of the mighty steamer, Armin.

Armin Schwarz 15.1.2014 11:59
Thank you very much, Hans.
Greetings Armin

. The Euro Cargo Rail Class 66 N° 66029 pictured in the main station of Mulhouse on December 10th, 2013. (zum Bild)

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 20.12.2013 15:30
Thanks a lot for the information concerning the number of the engine.
Best regards

. HLE 2001 is running through the station of Luxembourg City on December 16th, 2013. (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 16.12.2013 17:22
Big surprise!

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 8.4.2014 12:04
I agree with both of you, it was a big surpise to meet this engine for the last time in Luxembourg City.
Thank you very much for the positive replies.
Best regards

. 3009 is heading the IR 117 Liers - Luxembourg City near Rollingen on December 15th, 2013. (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 16.12.2013 17:23
Witch nice light!

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 8.4.2014 12:00
Thanks a lot, Stefan.
I'm very pleased that you enjoy my photo.

444 e.-007 at IC head----586 > Naples c./Milano c.Le arriving at Campo Marte (FI) under quite a storm visited Florence (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 19.11.2013 14:01
Ther is not only sunnshine in Italy...

. A BRB train is running through the Kümatt tunnel on September 29th, 2013. (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 19.11.2013 13:57
Very nice!

. A BRB steam train photographed in Chüemad on September 28th, 2013. (zum Bild)

Olli 17.11.2013 15:08
Beautiful pic (with sixpack... :-D )
Cheers Olli

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 18.11.2013 16:27
A sixpack to die for... ;-)
I feel glad, that you enjoy my picture.
Cheers Jeanny

. A BRB steam train is running between Chüemad and Kühmatt galerie on September 28th, 2013. (zum Bild)

Olli 17.11.2013 15:10
Nice pic with a train lost in landscape...

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 18.11.2013 16:25
Thanks a lot, Olli.
May be both of us made almost the same picture, as we were standing practically side by side.
Best regards

The 1042 520-8 of the Centralbahn (CBB), ex ÖBB 1042 520-8 parked on 05.10.2013 at the station of Trier. (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 1.11.2013 19:32
A nice picture from the 1042 520-8, Armin.

Armin Schwarz 3.11.2013 15:09
Thank you very much, Stefan.
I am happy if you like it.
Greetings Armin

Mulhouse Trams on the Stations Place. 2205.2012 (zum Bild)

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 21.10.2013 15:57
Hi Stefan,
the amazing picture is like an appetizer to visit the nice town of Mulhouse once again.
Greetings from Luxembourg
Hans and Jeanny

Stefan Wohlfahrt 25.10.2013 20:17
We hope, we don't to wait to Long time of the main course...

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