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Kommentare zu Bildern, Seite 37

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The small steamer train will be arriving at Giants Causeway Station. (22.09. 2007) (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 5.10.2009 16:30
A late Tank You!

The SBB TEE and the semaphor 8. 5. 2009 (zum Bild)

Hans van der Sluis 12.5.2009 21:17
What a nice picture!!!



The "Buckower Kleinbahn" is a 750V-DC-train system in Ostbrandenburg near Berlin. Use the Oderlandbahn from Berlin Lichtenberg (about 45 minutes) to Müncheberg. Tickets are cheap, the track length is about 4 km. 2008-08 (zum Bild)

Thomas Wendt 12.4.2009 9:33
So what is it? ;)

Brandnew 9583 as Intercity from Utrecht CS to Leiden CS crosses the Galgenwater Bridge in Leiden 22-03-2009. (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 6.4.2009 21:02
Hi Hans,
congratulation for the 100th picture on the RAIL-pictures.com


Hans van der Sluis 7.4.2009 14:55
Thanx Stefan,

Actually the 100th uploaded picture was made by Jeanny de Rond :


But still I'm happy that my photo was the 100th that was released.

I hope that this site will be world)famous in the future.

Kind regards,


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