The SBB TILO RABe 524 306 and a other one run between Tenero and Locaro through the future Minusio station (in operation from December 10th, 2023).
April 26, 2023
Stefan Wohlfahrt 14.11.2023, 49 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare
EXIF: SONY ILCA-77M2, Datum 2023:04:26 13:06:44, Belichtungsdauer: 1/640, Blende: 71/10, ISO80, Brennweite: 200/10
3 1200x793 Px, 11.10.2024
52 1200x756 Px, 19.01.2024
76 1200x785 Px, 20.11.2023