The NTV .italo ETR 675 008 from Bari Torino leaves Barletta. The train is traveling as .italo 9928 and still has a long and interesting way ahead of it: via Foggia Benevento, Caserta, Roma, Firenze and Milano it goes to Torino. The "detour" is worth it, as it means that far more HGV routes are used than the direct route along the coast.
April 25, 2023
Stefan Wohlfahrt 13.11.2023, 55 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare
EXIF: SONY ILCA-77M2, Datum 2023:04:25 06:43:42, Belichtungsdauer: 1/320, Blende: 56/10, ISO50, Brennweite: 500/10
64 1200x775 Px, 02.04.2023
29 1200x791 Px, 25.06.2024
64 1200x775 Px, 02.04.2023