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The DB 218 301-0 in the Basel Bad Bf.

(ID 46422)

The DB 218 301-0 in the Basel Bad Bf. Station. 

analog picture / march 1993

The DB 218 301-0 in the Basel Bad Bf. Station.

analog picture / march 1993

Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 27.02.2022, 97 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: SONY ILCA-77M2, Datum 2022:02:06 12:50:37, Belichtungsdauer: 1/320, Blende: 45/10, ISO100, Brennweite: 450/10

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When 218 trains were still pulling/pushing on the Hundsrückbahn - the DB 218 414-1 is waiting to depart in Emmelshausen with its train to Boppard.
Unfortunately I missed or didn't have time to take photos of this scenic railway.

March 18, 2018
When 218 trains were still pulling/pushing on the Hundsrückbahn - the DB 218 414-1 is waiting to depart in Emmelshausen with its train to Boppard. Unfortunately I missed or didn't have time to take photos of this scenic railway. March 18, 2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Diesel locomotives / 218

49 1200x805 Px, 05.11.2023

Rabbit 218 833 stands aside at Hannover Hbf on 20 September 2016. Class 218.8 were used for incidental haulage of stranded ICE emus. Nowadays, the last engines of these class are deployed for car carrying shuttles between Niebüll and Westerland on Sylt island.
Rabbit 218 833 stands aside at Hannover Hbf on 20 September 2016. Class 218.8 were used for incidental haulage of stranded ICE emus. Nowadays, the last engines of these class are deployed for car carrying shuttles between Niebüll and Westerland on Sylt island.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Diesel locomotives / 218

46 1200x800 Px, 22.07.2023

The DB 218 445-5 und 444-8 with a EC from Zürich to München by Hergatz. 

The DB 218 445-5 und 444-8 with a EC from Zürich to München by Hergatz. 11.09.2009
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Diesel locomotives / 218

52 1200x780 Px, 12.07.2023

The DB 218 492-7 by Hergtz, Km 17.0.

The DB 218 492-7 by Hergtz, Km 17.0. 11.09.2009
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Diesel locomotives / 218

55 805x1200 Px, 12.07.2023

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