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(ID 21918)

. The CFL BB 914 (former SNCF BB 63123) of the heritage railway CFV3V (Chemin de Fer à Vapeur des 3 Vallées) taken in Treignes on September 27th, 2014.

. The CFL BB 914 (former SNCF BB 63123) of the heritage railway CFV3V (Chemin de Fer à Vapeur des 3 Vallées) taken in Treignes on September 27th, 2014.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny http://wwwfotococktail-revival.startbilder.de 02.10.2014, 606 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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CFV3V 5538 -recentle having swapped her Congo blue (failed sell from NMBS to the Railways in Congo, henceforth  asylum  in Treignes with the CFV3V) for the 1977 NMBS greeen with larger yellow lines- stands at Puurs with a special train to Baasrode Noord on 6 July 2024.
CFV3V 5538 -recentle having swapped her Congo blue (failed sell from NMBS to the Railways in Congo, henceforth "asylum" in Treignes with the CFV3V) for the 1977 NMBS greeen with larger yellow lines- stands at Puurs with a special train to Baasrode Noord on 6 July 2024.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Railbus 554.10 stands at Mariembourg with the CFV3V on a sunny 23 September 2023.
Railbus 554.10 stands at Mariembourg with the CFV3V on a sunny 23 September 2023.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Railbus 554.10 stands at Mariembourg with the CFV3V on a sunny 23 September 2023.
Railbus 554.10 stands at Mariembourg with the CFV3V on a sunny 23 September 2023.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Ex-SNCB 4407 stands at Mariembourg with the CFV3V on a sunny 23 September 2023. This ten class strond Diesel rail cars were the first to receive this colour scheme that eventually and after much modifications would lead to the current NMBS/SNCB colour scheme. Not only The walloon have a Class 44, but the Flemish also can bask in the posession of a Class 44 rail car in these colours. That one is 4403 with the Sttomcentrum Maldegem.
Ex-SNCB 4407 stands at Mariembourg with the CFV3V on a sunny 23 September 2023. This ten class strond Diesel rail cars were the first to receive this colour scheme that eventually and after much modifications would lead to the current NMBS/SNCB colour scheme. Not only The walloon have a Class 44, but the Flemish also can bask in the posession of a Class 44 rail car in these colours. That one is 4403 with the Sttomcentrum Maldegem.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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