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The "Buckower Kleinbahn" is a 750V-DC-train system in Ostbrandenburg near Berlin.

(ID 4)

The  Buckower Kleinbahn  is a 750V-DC-train system in Ostbrandenburg near Berlin. Use the Oderlandbahn from Berlin Lichtenberg (about 45 minutes) to Müncheberg. Tickets are cheap, the track length is about 4 km. 2008-08

The "Buckower Kleinbahn" is a 750V-DC-train system in Ostbrandenburg near Berlin. Use the Oderlandbahn from Berlin Lichtenberg (about 45 minutes) to Müncheberg. Tickets are cheap, the track length is about 4 km. 2008-08

Thomas Wendt http://www.bahnbilder.de 17.03.2009, 2410 Aufrufe, 1 Kommentar

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Thomas Wendt 12.04.2009 09:33

So what is it? ;)

Buckower Kleinbahn owns an old S-Bahn train. They want to make it a  Peenemünder , but actually there is not enough money for this project. Visit www.buckower-kleinbahn.de
Buckower Kleinbahn owns an old S-Bahn train. They want to make it a "Peenemünder", but actually there is not enough money for this project. Visit www.buckower-kleinbahn.de
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Light rail / Buckower Kleinbahn

1251 800x600 Px, 26.08.2009

A Buckower Kleinbahn train near Waldsieversdorf. This area is ideal for hiking. 2007
A Buckower Kleinbahn train near Waldsieversdorf. This area is ideal for hiking. 2007
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Light rail / Buckower Kleinbahn

770 800x600 Px, 26.08.2009

Bilder aus der Umgebung

Deutschland > Brandenburg > Märkisch-Oderland > Märkische Schweiz > Buckow > Stadt Buckow
(C) OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

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