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Local Train by Intragna. (23.09.2009) (zum Bild)

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 6.10.2009 20:46
Magnificent pictures of the Centovalli railway, Christine.
Hans and Jeanny

Christine Wohlfahrt 14.10.2009 19:43
Thank you so much, Hans and Jeanny.
Greetings from Blonay

Seasonal end in Dresden EBM Old Town on the 03/10/09, www.igbwdresdenaltstadt.de (zum Bild)

Date Jan de Vries 6.10.2009 18:29
Nice picture of the railway museum of Dresden, Maik!
Date Jan

CFL 3011 with a train in Liege, Belgium on May 1, 2009th (zum Bild)

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 6.10.2009 17:19
Hi Manuel,
nice picture from the CFL engine in the marvellous station.

Manuel Höly 7.10.2009 15:32
Hello Hans

I am glad that you like the picture.
The new station of Liege can be really good pictures.
I must say the locomotives in Belgium always look very good place.
Here in Germany, the locomotives are always very untidy.


Glacier-Express by Grengiols 28.08.2009 (zum Bild)

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 6.10.2009 17:08
A famous train on a famous bridge, Stefan.
I adore it.

The evening Train on the famous Bridges in Rümelingen. 02.10.2009 (zum Bild)

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 6.10.2009 17:05
At first sight, I thought this picture was taken in Luxembourg, but such a pretty bridge doesn't exist in Rümelingen (L).
A great picture, Stefan.

Rasender Roland, 2007-12-31 (zum Bild)

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 6.10.2009 17:01
A picture full of atmosphere, Thomas.

Stefan Wohlfahrt 7.10.2009 7:31
A super shadow - picture, Thomas!

Arriva 183 001 in a few minutes, his journey towards Munich's start.   Regensburg Hauptbahnhof 6.8.2009 (zum Bild)

Date Jan de Vries 6.10.2009 15:13
A nice picture of this colourful Arriva-train, Manuel!
Date Jan

Manuel Höly 6.10.2009 15:53
Hello January

  The colors are really great.
  Is something different than the DB always red.


113 267-9 with two IC car at Essen main railway station. (zum Bild)

Date Jan de Vries 6.10.2009 15:12
A nice "Bügelfalte"-picture, Manuel. It's great that these wonderful machines are still in use!
Date Jan

Manuel Höly 6.10.2009 15:49
Hello January

  I think it's good you like the picture.
  Creases, there is no longer so many.
  The railway always loses more alerts
  and has too many locomotives in the fleet.
  This has been going so far as the 143er be scrapped.

  Greeting in the Netherlands

Deutz Diesel Locomotve 2001 at the station of Pétange on September 19th, 2004. (zum Bild)

Date Jan de Vries 6.10.2009 15:21
A very nice portrait of this little shunter!
Date Jan

Westwaggon 208/218 running near Erpeldange/Ettelbrück on its way from Troisvierges to Luxembourg City on September 21st, 2009. (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 3.10.2009 21:54
A very nice pictures from the Westwaggon 208/218.

Date Jan de Vries 6.10.2009 15:17
I like this rail car very much. Nice that it is still used for special occasions like this. Wonderful picture!
Date Jan

Local Train 1633 on the Berninapass. (17.09.2009) (zum Bild)

Date Jan de Vries 6.10.2009 15:16
Hello Christine,
Your pictures are a wonderful combination of the beautiful landscape of Switzerland and of course the nice trains!
Greetings from a flat Holland,
Date Jan

Christine Wohlfahrt 14.10.2009 19:48
Hello Date Jan,
thank you for you words. It was a great time in a wonderful Landscape,so it was easy find a good Place to take a beautiful picture.
Greetings from Switzerland

In the "Main Station" of the old Hauenstein Line: Läufelfingen. 02.10.2009 (zum Bild)

Date Jan de Vries 6.10.2009 15:11
Wonderful train pictures of this steam train with its colourful carriages, Stefan!
Greetings from Holland,
Date Jan

A train of OSB (Ortenau S-Bahn) 510 in Offenburg Central Railway Station. (zum Bild)

Gilbert Angermann 5.10.2009 20:48
Hello Manuel!

This nice train is VT 511 "Kappelrodeck". The other should be VT 510 "Oberkirch", because these units (VT509-VT513) also allowed on SNCF lines.

By Gilbert

Manuel Höly 5.10.2009 21:41
Hello Gilbert

  Thanks for the hint.
  I did not know they railcars are also permitted in France.

  Mfg. Manuel

The small steamer train will be arriving at Giants Causeway Station. (22.09. 2007) (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 5.10.2009 16:30
A late Tank You!

1604 is leaving the station of Troisvierges on June 23rd, 2009. (zum Bild)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 4.10.2009 20:47
I love round-noses (NOHAB) picture! And this one is a very nice of them.

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