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German high speed train ICE-TD in Berlin Rummelsburg (open day), 2008-09-13
German high speed train ICE-TD in Berlin Rummelsburg (open day), 2008-09-13
Thomas Wendt

Germany / High speed trains (ICE) / 605 (ICE-TD)

3752 800x600 Px, 17.03.2009

Regional train of the Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn (NEB) in Müncheberg. Type of train: Talent. Aug 2008
Regional train of the Niederbarnimer Eisenbahn (NEB) in Müncheberg. Type of train: Talent. Aug 2008
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Diesel multiple units / 644

1676 800x600 Px, 17.03.2009

A S-Bahn (class 485) near Berlin Ostkreuz. 2008
A S-Bahn (class 485) near Berlin Ostkreuz. 2008
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Urban trains / S-Bahn Berlin

1983 769x800 Px, 17.03.2009

The  Buckower Kleinbahn  is a 750V-DC-train system in Ostbrandenburg near Berlin. Use the Oderlandbahn from Berlin Lichtenberg (about 45 minutes) to Müncheberg. Tickets are cheap, the track length is about 4 km. 2008-08
The "Buckower Kleinbahn" is a 750V-DC-train system in Ostbrandenburg near Berlin. Use the Oderlandbahn from Berlin Lichtenberg (about 45 minutes) to Müncheberg. Tickets are cheap, the track length is about 4 km. 2008-08
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Light rail / Buckower Kleinbahn

2411  4 800x600 Px, 17.03.2009

18 201 at the Steam locomotives parade 2008 in Wolsztyn.
18 201 at the Steam locomotives parade 2008 in Wolsztyn.
Thomas Wendt

The Woltersdorfer Straßenbahn is using this historical vehicles, built in the 60s in GDR. If you are visiting Berlin, use the S-Bahn to Rahnsdorf. Summer 2008
The Woltersdorfer Straßenbahn is using this historical vehicles, built in the 60s in GDR. If you are visiting Berlin, use the S-Bahn to Rahnsdorf. Summer 2008
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Trams / Woltersdorfer Straßenbahn

2784 800x600 Px, 17.03.2009

Above the Wupper. 2008-02
Above the Wupper. 2008-02
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Monorails / Wuppertaler Schwebebahn

1316 800x600 Px, 19.03.2009

Above the Wupper. 2008-02
Above the Wupper. 2008-02
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Monorails / Wuppertaler Schwebebahn

1193 800x600 Px, 19.03.2009

Wuppertal, Sonnborner Straße
Wuppertal, Sonnborner Straße
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Monorails / Wuppertaler Schwebebahn

2714 800x600 Px, 19.03.2009

The  Kaiserwagen  is the oldest train of the Wuppertaler Schwebebahn. In 1900, Emperor Wilhelm II used it for a test drive. Today the train is used for special occasions. 2008-02
The "Kaiserwagen" is the oldest train of the Wuppertaler Schwebebahn. In 1900, Emperor Wilhelm II used it for a test drive. Today the train is used for special occasions. 2008-02
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Monorails / Wuppertaler Schwebebahn

1672 800x600 Px, 19.03.2009

Traffic jam below the train - Wuppertal, February 2008
Traffic jam below the train - Wuppertal, February 2008
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Monorails / Wuppertaler Schwebebahn

8813 800x600 Px, 19.03.2009

VT18.16 was a high quality train in the GDR. It was built in 1963, the maximum speed was 160 km/h (100 mph). Berlin, 2007
VT18.16 was a high quality train in the GDR. It was built in 1963, the maximum speed was 160 km/h (100 mph). Berlin, 2007
Thomas Wendt

Inside VT18.16.07
Inside VT18.16.07
Thomas Wendt

E18 31, 2007 in Berlin Schöneweide
E18 31, 2007 in Berlin Schöneweide
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Electric locomotives / E18

1016 800x600 Px, 23.03.2009

E44 108 on an exhibition in Berlin Schöneweide.
E44 108 on an exhibition in Berlin Schöneweide.
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Electric locomotives / E44

1401 800x600 Px, 23.03.2009

E18 047 on an exhibition in Berlin Schöneweide.
E18 047 on an exhibition in Berlin Schöneweide.
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Electric locomotives / E18

1743 800x600 Px, 23.03.2009

Ferkeltaxe 172 001 (may be translated as shoat taxi), 2007 in Berlin Schöneweide
Ferkeltaxe 172 001 (may be translated as shoat taxi), 2007 in Berlin Schöneweide
Thomas Wendt

18 201 on an exhibition in Berlin Schöneweide.
18 201 on an exhibition in Berlin Schöneweide.
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Steam locomotives / 18 201

928 800x600 Px, 23.03.2009

New flexity tram for Berlin, Innotrans 2008
New flexity tram for Berlin, Innotrans 2008
Thomas Wendt

Germany / Trams / Berlin

1033 800x600 Px, 23.03.2009

A class 1206 MAK diesel locomotive of the RBH Logistics GmbH passing through Gladbeck-West Station at the 25th of April 2008.
A class 1206 MAK diesel locomotive of the RBH Logistics GmbH passing through Gladbeck-West Station at the 25th of April 2008.
Daniel Siegele

Germany / Diesel locomotives / MaK 1206

1700 800x600 Px, 26.03.2009

A class 643 Diesel Multiple Unit passing through Gladbeck West Station for Dorsten at the 25th of April 2008.
A class 643 Diesel Multiple Unit passing through Gladbeck West Station for Dorsten at the 25th of April 2008.
Daniel Siegele

Germany / Diesel multiple units / 644

1008 800x600 Px, 26.03.2009

A Class 186 of R4C and a Veolia Class 186 with the VOS-Cargo train at Flüelen,10.04.2009
A Class 186 of R4C and a Veolia Class 186 with the VOS-Cargo train at Flüelen,10.04.2009
Lukas Buchmeier

V 240 001,
V 240 001, www.igbwdresdenaltstadt.de
Maik Leiter

Germany / Diesel locomotives / V240

721 800x600 Px, 13.07.2009

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