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The TPC ASD Beh 4/8 591 in the vineyard over Aigle on the way to Aigle.

(ID 51810)

The TPC ASD Beh 4/8 591 in the vineyard over Aigle on the way to Aigle. 


The TPC ASD Beh 4/8 591 in the vineyard over Aigle on the way to Aigle.


Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 14.05.2024, 22 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: SONY ILCA-77M2, Datum 2024:01:04 11:27:25, Belichtungsdauer: 1/320, Blende: 45/10, ISO100, Brennweite: 450/10

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The TPC ASD ABe 4/8 471 arrived in Aigle as R71 431 from Les Diablerets and after just under an hour of turning time we drove back up to Les Diablerets as R71 440. 

July 21, 2024
The TPC ASD ABe 4/8 471 arrived in Aigle as R71 431 from Les Diablerets and after just under an hour of turning time we drove back up to Les Diablerets as R71 440. July 21, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Now the TPC ASD ABe 4/4 471 are in scheduled use at the ASD: in the streets of Aigle, the ASD ABe 4/8 471 as R71 431 coming from Les Diablerets reaches the Aigle Place du Marché stop. July 21, 2024
Now the TPC ASD ABe 4/4 471 are in scheduled use at the ASD: in the streets of Aigle, the ASD ABe 4/8 471 as R71 431 coming from Les Diablerets reaches the Aigle Place du Marché stop. July 21, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The TPC ASD ABe 4/4 471 are now in scheduled use at the ASD: in the streets of Aigle, the ASD ABe 4/8 471 runs as R71 431 from Les Diablerets towards Aigle train station. 
July 21, 2024
The TPC ASD ABe 4/4 471 are now in scheduled use at the ASD: in the streets of Aigle, the ASD ABe 4/8 471 runs as R71 431 from Les Diablerets towards Aigle train station. July 21, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Shortly afterwards the TPC AOMC ASD Beh 4/8 591 arrives from the opposite direction, which is on the way to Les Diablerets as R71 436. Since the third round is also covered by an ABe 4/8, as seen fleetingly, the BDe 4/4 services will now probably become the exception. July 21, 2024
Shortly afterwards the TPC AOMC ASD Beh 4/8 591 arrives from the opposite direction, which is on the way to Les Diablerets as R71 436. Since the third round is also covered by an ABe 4/8, as seen fleetingly, the BDe 4/4 services will now probably become the exception. July 21, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

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