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On 2 September 2012 VSM's 50 307 stands at Beekbergen with a steam shuttle to Loenen.

(ID 44171)

On 2 September 2012 VSM's 50 307 stands at Beekbergen with a steam shuttle to Loenen. THis loco used to be 50 307 from 1941 until being rebuild in the GDR as 50 3564 (ReKo). Under that guise, she came to the VSM in 1992 and remained a ReKo engine untill 2012, when she was brought back to her original condition including large smoke deflecting shields (Gross-Ohr) and renumbered 50 307.

On 2 September 2012 VSM's 50 307 stands at Beekbergen with a steam shuttle to Loenen. THis loco used to be 50 307 from 1941 until being rebuild in the GDR as 50 3564 (ReKo). Under that guise, she came to the VSM in 1992 and remained a ReKo engine untill 2012, when she was brought back to her original condition including large smoke deflecting shields (Gross-Ohr) and renumbered 50 307.

Leonardus Schrijvers 05.07.2021, 154 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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VSM 2530 Bisschop (Bishop, due to the purple-pink colour) arrives at Amersfoort with an extra train on 8 June 2024.
VSM 2530 Bisschop (Bishop, due to the purple-pink colour) arrives at Amersfoort with an extra train on 8 June 2024.
Leonardus Schrijvers

VSM 2530 Bisschop (Bishop, due to the purple-pink colour) arrives at Amersfoort with an extra train on 8 June 2024.
VSM 2530 Bisschop (Bishop, due to the purple-pink colour) arrives at Amersfoort with an extra train on 8 June 2024.
Leonardus Schrijvers

VSM's 23 076 stands at Amersfoort with an extra train on 8 June 2024 during the 150th anniversary of the Oosterspoorlijn Hilversum-Baarn-Amersfoort.
VSM's 23 076 stands at Amersfoort with an extra train on 8 June 2024 during the 150th anniversary of the Oosterspoorlijn Hilversum-Baarn-Amersfoort.
Leonardus Schrijvers

During the 150th anniversary of the Oosterspoorbaan Hilversum--Baarn--Amersfoort an extra train shuttled between Amersfoort and Hilversum via Baarn on 8 June 2024. That day, the museum shuttle enters Baarn, hauled by 2530.
During the 150th anniversary of the Oosterspoorbaan Hilversum--Baarn--Amersfoort an extra train shuttled between Amersfoort and Hilversum via Baarn on 8 June 2024. That day, the museum shuttle enters Baarn, hauled by 2530.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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