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On 5 March 2022 Fairtrains (ex NS) 231 shunts at Blerick Stadler.

(ID 46445)

On 5 March 2022 Fairtrains (ex NS) 231 shunts at Blerick Stadler. Here, all Stadler DMUs and EMU receive their maintenance services. Brouwer and Fairtrains cooperate with shunting duties. The 231 was cleared for service in February 2022 after a heave overhaul and this is one of the very first assignments of this 85 years old shunter.

On 5 March 2022 Fairtrains (ex NS) 231 shunts at Blerick Stadler. Here, all Stadler DMUs and EMU receive their maintenance services. Brouwer and Fairtrains cooperate with shunting duties. The 231 was cleared for service in February 2022 after a heave overhaul and this is one of the very first assignments of this 85 years old shunter.

Leonardus Schrijvers 06.03.2022, 82 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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FairTrains 231 rests at Blerick during the last sunshine of 2 December 2023.
FairTrains 231 rests at Blerick during the last sunshine of 2 December 2023.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Ex-NS 368 shunts a photo freight at Haaksbergen on 14 October 2023, although the planned trip with the freight to Boekelo fell through during a planning mistake.
Ex-NS 368 shunts a photo freight at Haaksbergen on 14 October 2023, although the planned trip with the freight to Boekelo fell through during a planning mistake.
Leonardus Schrijvers

MBS Sik 368 oozes in the morning of 14 October 2023 at Haaksbergen, but will shunt some freight wagons later that day in Haaksbergen.
MBS Sik 368 oozes in the morning of 14 October 2023 at Haaksbergen, but will shunt some freight wagons later that day in Haaksbergen.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Sik in green and black, the NS colours of the 1950s-1970s: VSM 225 is seen at the depot at Beekbergen on 3 September 2023.
Sik in green and black, the NS colours of the 1950s-1970s: VSM 225 is seen at the depot at Beekbergen on 3 September 2023.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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