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(ID 9549)

. CFL 791 (Plasser & Theurer Ballast Distributing and Profiling Machine NSP 2010 SWS N° 99829225791-7) is entering into the tunnel Féischterhaff near Goebelsmühle on November 16th, 2011.

. CFL 791 (Plasser & Theurer Ballast Distributing and Profiling Machine NSP 2010 SWS N° 99829225791-7) is entering into the tunnel Féischterhaff near Goebelsmühle on November 16th, 2011.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny http://wwwfotococktail-revival.startbilder.de 29.11.2011, 918 Calls, 0 Comments

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CFL Robel 721 stands in Bettembourg on 28 March 2017.
CFL Robel 721 stands in Bettembourg on 28 March 2017.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Luxembourg / Maintenance / Various

161 1200x799 Px, 21.01.2021

CFL 732 stands in Bettembourg on 28 March 2017.
CFL 732 stands in Bettembourg on 28 March 2017.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Luxembourg / Maintenance / Various

158 1200x801 Px, 13.03.2020

CFL 762 stands in Bettembourg on 28 March 2017.
CFL 762 stands in Bettembourg on 28 March 2017.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Luxembourg / Maintenance / Various

160 1200x799 Px, 13.03.2020

CFL 792 (L-CFLIF 99 82 9124 792-7) photographed in Luxembourg main station on November 20th, 2019.
CFL 792 (L-CFLIF 99 82 9124 792-7) photographed in Luxembourg main station on November 20th, 2019.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Luxembourg / Maintenance / Various

245 1200x764 Px, 22.11.2019

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