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Empty stock haulage by 189 077 through Köln Süd on 24 September 2020.

(ID 51735)

Empty stock haulage by 189 077 through Köln Süd on 24 September 2020.

Empty stock haulage by 189 077 through Köln Süd on 24 September 2020.

Leonardus Schrijvers 29.04.2024, 40 Calls, 0 Comments

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Hulten sees 189 024 with a box wagon train pass by on 16 August 2019.
Hulten sees 189 024 with a box wagon train pass by on 16 August 2019.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 189

5 1200x800 Px, 04.12.2024

On 11 November 2022 (Armastice day but for the fact that the Netherlands did not take part in World War One) DBC 189 024 hauls an empty automotive train through Tilburg-Reeshof.
On 11 November 2022 (Armastice day but for the fact that the Netherlands did not take part in World War One) DBC 189 024 hauls an empty automotive train through Tilburg-Reeshof.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 189

8 1200x800 Px, 04.12.2024

DBC 189 026 hauls a steel train through Wijchen on 29 January 2019.
DBC 189 026 hauls a steel train through Wijchen on 29 January 2019.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 189

7 1200x800 Px, 03.12.2024

On 18 March 2018 DBC 189 027 hauls a coal train through Venlo-Vierpaardjes into Germany. Due to massive construction works to replace a busy railway crossing with an underway passage, this spot has disappeared as a vantage point.
On 18 March 2018 DBC 189 027 hauls a coal train through Venlo-Vierpaardjes into Germany. Due to massive construction works to replace a busy railway crossing with an underway passage, this spot has disappeared as a vantage point.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 189

7 1200x800 Px, 03.12.2024

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