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This photo shows an diesel locomotive called Hercules.....it is owned by the WLE-companie( Westphalian County Railway/ Westfählische Landes Eisenbahn) and carries the Nr.

(ID 11597)

This photo shows an diesel  locomotive called Hercules.....it is owned by the WLE-companie( Westphalian County Railway/ Westfählische Landes Eisenbahn) and carries the Nr. 23.......It's Classnumber is 223 057-1 and it pulls an chartertrain of privatecars from diverend companies......here is it near Allerheiligen on the tracks to Cologne. Sunday 9th. of septembre 2012

This photo shows an diesel locomotive called Hercules.....it is owned by the WLE-companie( Westphalian County Railway/ Westfählische Landes Eisenbahn) and carries the Nr. 23.......It's Classnumber is 223 057-1 and it pulls an chartertrain of privatecars from diverend companies......here is it near Allerheiligen on the tracks to Cologne. Sunday 9th. of septembre 2012

Andreas Strobel 10.09.2012, 1081 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D40, Belichtungsdauer: 0.001 s (8/10000) (1/1250), Blende: f/9.0, ISO800, Brennweite: 18.00 (18/1)

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ALEX 223 068 enters Schwandorf on 27 May 2022 with a fast train to Hof/Prague. At Schwandorf, the first coaches will continue to Hof, the last section will continue to Prague via Plzen.
ALEX 223 068 enters Schwandorf on 27 May 2022 with a fast train to Hof/Prague. At Schwandorf, the first coaches will continue to Hof, the last section will continue to Prague via Plzen.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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