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PFT-TSP 26.101 calls at Baasrode with an extra train on 3 July 1997.

(ID 39474)

PFT-TSP 26.101 calls at Baasrode with an extra train on 3 July 1997.

PFT-TSP 26.101 calls at Baasrode with an extra train on 3 July 1997.

Leonardus Schrijvers 13.05.2020, 148 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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Ex-SNCB 8061 has found a new resting site at Saint-Ghislain with the PFT-TSP; 12 September 2004.
Ex-SNCB 8061 has found a new resting site at Saint-Ghislain with the PFT-TSP; 12 September 2004.
Leonardus Schrijvers

PFT-TSP 5117 is stabled at Saint-Ghislain on 12 September 2004. Sadly, this loco has been scrapped.
PFT-TSP 5117 is stabled at Saint-Ghislain on 12 September 2004. Sadly, this loco has been scrapped.
Leonardus Schrijvers

PFT-TSP 5128 is stabled at Saint-Ghislain on 12 September 2004.
PFT-TSP 5128 is stabled at Saint-Ghislain on 12 September 2004.
Leonardus Schrijvers

PFT-TSP 5149 is stabled at Saint-Ghislain on 12 September 2004.
PFT-TSP 5149 is stabled at Saint-Ghislain on 12 September 2004.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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