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De Kusttram Fotos

45 Bilder
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Coastline tramway  kusttram  in the Groenendijk dunes, August 2014.
Coastline tramway "kusttram" in the Groenendijk dunes, August 2014.
Philippe Godart

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

493 1200x805 Px, 23.04.2016

Belgian coastline tramway  kusttram  at the Westende U-turn in July 2015.
Belgian coastline tramway "kusttram" at the Westende U-turn in July 2015.
Philippe Godart

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

374 1200x805 Px, 22.04.2016

Kussttram BN Car 6015 on the Boulevard at Oostende, 25/08/2014.
Kussttram BN Car 6015 on the Boulevard at Oostende, 25/08/2014.
Merijn Passchier

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

401 1200x900 Px, 23.09.2015

An unidentified BN Kusttram Car on the Boulevard at Oostende, 25/08/2014.
An unidentified BN Kusttram Car on the Boulevard at Oostende, 25/08/2014.
Merijn Passchier

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

394 1200x900 Px, 23.09.2015

An unidentified BN Kusttram Car on the Boulevard at Oostende, 25/08/2014.
An unidentified BN Kusttram Car on the Boulevard at Oostende, 25/08/2014.
Merijn Passchier

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

376 1200x900 Px, 23.09.2015

A Belgian  coast tram  along the sea front in Raversijde (HermeLijn type), July 2011.
A Belgian "coast tram" along the sea front in Raversijde (HermeLijn type), July 2011.
Philippe Godart

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

1265 1024x687 Px, 20.03.2012

A Belgian  coast tram  along the sea front in Raversijde (BN type) in July 2011.
A Belgian "coast tram" along the sea front in Raversijde (BN type) in July 2011.
Philippe Godart

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

1325 1024x768 Px, 20.03.2012

A Kusttram unit is running through the De Smet de Naeyerlaan in Blankenberge on September 12th, 2008.
A Kusttram unit is running through the De Smet de Naeyerlaan in Blankenberge on September 12th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

690 629x800 Px, 14.02.2012

Tram N° 6003 is arriving at the stop Blankenberge Station on September 13th, 2008.
Tram N° 6003 is arriving at the stop Blankenberge Station on September 13th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

656 1024x765 Px, 14.02.2012

Tram N° 6044 photographed in Blankenberge on September 13th, 2008.
Tram N° 6044 photographed in Blankenberge on September 13th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

646 1024x769 Px, 08.02.2012

Tram N° 6001 pictured in Blankenberge on September 13th, 2008.
Tram N° 6001 pictured in Blankenberge on September 13th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

650 555x800 Px, 07.02.2012

Tram N° 6011 pictured in Blankenberge on September 12th, 2008.
Tram N° 6011 pictured in Blankenberge on September 12th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

628 691x800 Px, 06.02.2012

De Kusttram N° 6004 is running through Middelkerke Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
De Kusttram N° 6004 is running through Middelkerke Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

1077 1024x776 Px, 09.12.2011

De Kusttram N° 6338 pictured in Middelkerke Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
De Kusttram N° 6338 pictured in Middelkerke Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

1029 1024x781 Px, 09.12.2011

De Kusttram N° 6027 is arriving at the stop Blankenberge Station on November 12th, 2011.
De Kusttram N° 6027 is arriving at the stop Blankenberge Station on November 12th, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

825 614x814 Px, 07.12.2011

Tram N° 6023 is arriving at the stop Marie-José-plein in Oostende on November 12th, 2011.
Tram N° 6023 is arriving at the stop Marie-José-plein in Oostende on November 12th, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

1112 1012x814 Px, 23.11.2011

Tram N° 6332 is running through the Leopold II-laan in Oostende on November 12th, 2011.
Tram N° 6332 is running through the Leopold II-laan in Oostende on November 12th, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

710 1014x637 Px, 22.11.2011

Tram N° 6018 pictured in front of the station of Oostende on November 12th, 2011.
Tram N° 6018 pictured in front of the station of Oostende on November 12th, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

635 1014x663 Px, 16.11.2011

Tram N° 6024 is running through the Leopold II-laan in Oostende on November 12th, 2011.
Tram N° 6024 is running through the Leopold II-laan in Oostende on November 12th, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

788 1014x763 Px, 14.11.2011

Tram N° 6027 taken in Westende-Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
Tram N° 6027 taken in Westende-Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

841 1014x809 Px, 21.10.2011

Tram N° 6044 photographed in the streets of Middelkerke-Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
Tram N° 6044 photographed in the streets of Middelkerke-Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

653 1014x763 Px, 21.10.2011

Tram N° 6034 is ruuning through Westende-Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
Tram N° 6034 is ruuning through Westende-Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

678 628x814 Px, 21.10.2011

Tram N° 6002 is running between Middelkerke Bad and Westende Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
Tram N° 6002 is running between Middelkerke Bad and Westende Bad on July 23rd, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

1103 1014x593 Px, 14.08.2011

De Kusttram N° 6015 is running between Middelkerke and Raversijde on March 27th, 2011.
De Kusttram N° 6015 is running between Middelkerke and Raversijde on March 27th, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Belgium / Trams / De Kusttram

1166 1000x752 Px, 11.08.2011

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