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Bettembourg Fotos

34 Bilder
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. The Shimms wagon 31 RIV 82 CFL 476 8028-9 pictured in Bettembourg on May 20th, 2004.
. The Shimms wagon 31 RIV 82 CFL 476 8028-9 pictured in Bettembourg on May 20th, 2004.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Luxembourg / Wagons / Goods wagons

685 x Px, 04.12.2014

. HLE 1314 pictured in Noertzange on March 11th, 2014.
. HLE 1314 pictured in Noertzange on March 11th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. 3006 is hauling a freight train through Noertzange on March 11th, 2014.
. 3006 is hauling a freight train through Noertzange on March 11th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The RB 6887 Rodange - Luxembourg City is arriving in Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
. The RB 6887 Rodange - Luxembourg City is arriving in Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. CFL Cargo 1583 is running alone through the sation of Noertzange on March 11th, 2014.
. CFL Cargo 1583 is running alone through the sation of Noertzange on March 11th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The CFL Cargo 1818 is running alone through the station of Noertzange on March 11th, 2014.
. The CFL Cargo 1818 is running alone through the station of Noertzange on March 11th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The CFL Cargo 1584 is hauling a goods train through the station of Noertzange on March 11th, 2014.
. The CFL Cargo 1584 is hauling a goods train through the station of Noertzange on March 11th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The Robel 732 is running through the station of Bettembourg on March 11th, 2014.
. The Robel 732 is running through the station of Bettembourg on March 11th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The RB 6861 Luxembourg City - Rodange is leaving the station of Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
. The RB 6861 Luxembourg City - Rodange is leaving the station of Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

.CFL Cargo 1508 is running through the station of Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
.CFL Cargo 1508 is running through the station of Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. Série 4000 double header (4013 and 4016) is hauling a freight train through the station of Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
. Série 4000 double header (4013 and 4016) is hauling a freight train through the station of Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. SNCB HLE 1338 and CFL 3016 are running through Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
. SNCB HLE 1338 and CFL 3016 are running through Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The CFL Cargo 1508 is running between Noertzange and Schifflange on February 24th, 2014.
. The CFL Cargo 1508 is running between Noertzange and Schifflange on February 24th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. HLE 1300 double header is hauling a goods train through the station of Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
. HLE 1300 double header is hauling a goods train through the station of Noertzange on February 24th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. CFL Cargo 4011 is pushing its train out of the station of Noertzange on January 31st, 2014.
. CFL Cargo 4011 is pushing its train out of the station of Noertzange on January 31st, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. 4010 photographed in Noertzange on January 31st, 2014.
. 4010 photographed in Noertzange on January 31st, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

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