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PKPUIC EU445-010 quits Poznan Glowny with a warsaw bound service on 4 May 2024.

(ID 52098)

PKPUIC EU445-010 quits Poznan Glowny with a warsaw bound service on 4 May 2024.

PKPUIC EU445-010 quits Poznan Glowny with a warsaw bound service on 4 May 2024.

Leonardus Schrijvers 09.06.2024, 18 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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Since Berlin -again/still- a massive building pit for the last, say, 30 years, many a long distance train does not call at Berlin Hbf, but gets diverted to Berlin Gesundbrunnen. On 24 May 2023 PKPIC 370 004 finds herself with an EC to warsaw back at Berlin-Gesundbrunnen.
Since Berlin -again/still- a massive building pit for the last, say, 30 years, many a long distance train does not call at Berlin Hbf, but gets diverted to Berlin Gesundbrunnen. On 24 May 2023 PKPIC 370 004 finds herself with an EC to warsaw back at Berlin-Gesundbrunnen.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 20 September 2016 PKPIC 370 007 still carries out a study in pink after having arrived at Berlin Hbf to form an EC to Poznan and Warsaw.
On 20 September 2016 PKPIC 370 007 still carries out a study in pink after having arrived at Berlin Hbf to form an EC to Poznan and Warsaw.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 20 September 2016 PKPIC 370 007 still carries out a study in pink after having arrived at Berlin Hbf to form an EC to Poznan and Warsaw.
On 20 September 2016 PKPIC 370 007 still carries out a study in pink after having arrived at Berlin Hbf to form an EC to Poznan and Warsaw.
Leonardus Schrijvers

PKPIC 370 007 has arrived at Bohumín on 26 May 2015 with an EC from Warszawa tp Praha.
PKPIC 370 007 has arrived at Bohumín on 26 May 2015 with an EC from Warszawa tp Praha.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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