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On 13 April 2000 DB 145 042 calls with an RE at Köln Deutz.

(ID 42455)

On 13 April 2000 DB 145 042 calls with an RE at Köln Deutz. The short deployment of DB Cargo's 145s with DB Regio was a preparation for the then new Class 146.0, that is a DB Regio modification of Class 145.

On 13 April 2000 DB 145 042 calls with an RE at Köln Deutz. The short deployment of DB Cargo's 145s with DB Regio was a preparation for the then new Class 146.0, that is a DB Regio modification of Class 145.

Leonardus Schrijvers 15.12.2020, 161 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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