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Siemens 127 001 from the Prüfcenter Wildenrath/PCW 8 comes in at the station of Grevenbroich on friday 9th.

(ID 19466)

Siemens 127 001 from the Prüfcenter Wildenrath/PCW 8 comes in at the station of Grevenbroich on friday 9th. of may 2014

Siemens 127 001 from the Prüfcenter Wildenrath/PCW 8 comes in at the station of Grevenbroich on friday 9th. of may 2014

Andreas Strobel 09.05.2014, 686 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D3200, Belichtungsdauer: 0.002 s (1/640) (1/640), Blende: f/8.0, ISO200, Brennweite: 70.00 (70/1)

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Deutschland > Nordrhein-Westfalen > Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf > Rhein-Kreis Neuss > Grevenbroich > Elsen
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