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AM 62 176 photographed in Liège Guillemins on June 22nd, 2012.

(ID 11108)

AM 62 176 photographed in Liège Guillemins on June 22nd, 2012.

AM 62 176 photographed in Liège Guillemins on June 22nd, 2012.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny http://wwwfotococktail-revival.startbilder.de 27.06.2012, 1066 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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The SNCB NMBS AM70A N° 598 in the Liège Guillemins Station.

The SNCB NMBS AM70A N° 598 in the Liège Guillemins Station. 30.03.2009
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The SNCB NMBS AM70A N° 598 in the Liège Guillemins Station.

The SNCB NMBS AM70A N° 598 in the Liège Guillemins Station. 30.03.2009
Stefan Wohlfahrt

A greeting from the loco driver of SNCB 1350 at Liége-Guillemins on 17 July 1999: both red and white head lights have been alighted.
A greeting from the loco driver of SNCB 1350 at Liége-Guillemins on 17 July 1999: both red and white head lights have been alighted.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Engineering train with 6274 passes slowly through Liége-Guillemins on 22 July 1994.
Engineering train with 6274 passes slowly through Liége-Guillemins on 22 July 1994.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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