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The 158 954 to Brighton is arriving at Bath (Spa).

(ID 15106)

The 158 954 to Brighton is arriving at Bath (Spa).
13. 11.2012

The 158 954 to Brighton is arriving at Bath (Spa).
13. 11.2012

Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 10.07.2013, 418 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: SONY DSLR-A350, Datum 2012:11:13 14:52:31, Belichtungsdauer: 0.004 s (1/250) (1/250), Blende: f/10.0, ISO200, Brennweite: 30.00 (300/10)

0 Kommentare, Alle Kommentare
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The Class 158 , the 158 834 in Abertawe. 

Analog picture / November 2000
The Class 158 , the 158 834 in Abertawe. Analog picture / November 2000
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel multiple units / Class 158

115 869x1200 Px, 14.11.2021

A Scotrail Class 158 in the Edingurgh Waverly Station. 
A Scotrail Class 158 in the Edingurgh Waverly Station. 02.05.2017
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel multiple units / Class 158

219 1200x806 Px, 15.06.2018

The ScotRail 158 704 in Kircaldy.
The ScotRail 158 704 in Kircaldy. 22.04.2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel multiple units / Class 158

181 1200x853 Px, 13.06.2018

The ScotRail Class 158 (158725) on the way to Aberdeen in Stonehaven.
The ScotRail Class 158 (158725) on the way to Aberdeen in Stonehaven. 22.04.2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel multiple units / Class 158

254 1200x810 Px, 14.05.2018

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