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The EWS 66 088 in Cardiff Central / Caerdydd Canolog.

(ID 43533)

The EWS 66 088 in Cardiff Central / Caerdydd Canolog. 

Analog picture rom the Nov. 2000

The EWS 66 088 in Cardiff Central / Caerdydd Canolog.

Analog picture rom the Nov. 2000

Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 05.04.2021, 122 Calls, 0 Comments

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Clagg! ECR 66241 passes through Nevers on 18 September 2021. She still wears the British EWS-colours.
Clagg! ECR 66241 passes through Nevers on 18 September 2021. She still wears the British EWS-colours.
Leonardus Schrijvers

ECR 66233 leaves Nevers on 18 September 2021. She still wears the British EWS-colours.
ECR 66233 leaves Nevers on 18 September 2021. She still wears the British EWS-colours.
Leonardus Schrijvers

The Frightliner 66554 wiht three other Class 66 loks in Carlisle.
The Frightliner 66554 wiht three other Class 66 loks in Carlisle. 28.04.2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

On the the end of ths Lok-train: the Frightliner 66571.
Carlisle, 28.04.2018
On the the end of ths Lok-train: the Frightliner 66571. Carlisle, 28.04.2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

239 1200x882 Px, 17.07.2018

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