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Class 66 Fotos

21 Bilder
Clagg! ECR 66241 passes through Nevers on 18 September 2021. She still wears the British EWS-colours.
Clagg! ECR 66241 passes through Nevers on 18 September 2021. She still wears the British EWS-colours.
Leonardus Schrijvers

ECR 66233 leaves Nevers on 18 September 2021. She still wears the British EWS-colours.
ECR 66233 leaves Nevers on 18 September 2021. She still wears the British EWS-colours.
Leonardus Schrijvers

The EWS 66 088 in Cardiff Central / Caerdydd Canolog. 

Analog picture rom the Nov. 2000
The EWS 66 088 in Cardiff Central / Caerdydd Canolog. Analog picture rom the Nov. 2000
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

122 1200x805 Px, 05.04.2021

The Frightliner 66554 wiht three other Class 66 loks in Carlisle.
The Frightliner 66554 wiht three other Class 66 loks in Carlisle. 28.04.2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

On the the end of ths Lok-train: the Frightliner 66571.
Carlisle, 28.04.2018
On the the end of ths Lok-train: the Frightliner 66571. Carlisle, 28.04.2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

239 1200x882 Px, 17.07.2018

During the Colas Rail 60067 is waiting four Class 66 are arriving at Carlise.
During the Colas Rail 60067 is waiting four Class 66 are arriving at Carlise. 28.04.2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

246 1200x757 Px, 09.07.2018

The DB 66 192 in Carlisle.
The DB 66 192 in Carlisle. 27.04.2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

194 1200x806 Px, 05.05.2018

The DRS 66 407 in York.
The DRS 66 407 in York. 30.03.2006
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

233 1200x904 Px, 05.12.2017

Ely, DB Schenker Class 66 No. 66020 with a Containertrain for Felixstow. 2017,05,18
Ely, DB Schenker Class 66 No. 66020 with a Containertrain for Felixstow. 2017,05,18
Claus Schönbrodt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

388 1200x800 Px, 08.06.2017

Ely, GB Railfreight Class 66 No. 66766 with a Containetrain from Felistowe, 2017,05,18
Ely, GB Railfreight Class 66 No. 66766 with a Containetrain from Felistowe, 2017,05,18
Claus Schönbrodt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

332 1200x800 Px, 08.06.2017

The DRS 66 407 in York.
30. März 2006
The DRS 66 407 in York. 30. März 2006
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

348 1200x903 Px, 29.12.2013

Ipswich,  Direct Rail Sercices  Diesel 66418, 18th of October 2012
Ipswich, "Direct Rail Sercices" Diesel 66418, 18th of October 2012
Claus Schönbrodt

The EW&S 66052 in Cardiff.
November 2000/analog picture from CD
The EW&S 66052 in Cardiff. November 2000/analog picture from CD
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

727 1024x686 Px, 23.06.2011

The EW&S 66 088 in Cardiff. 
November 2000/analog picture from CD
The EW&S 66 088 in Cardiff. November 2000/analog picture from CD
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

688 1024x550 Px, 23.06.2011

Ely, EWS Class 66, 66096 waiting at the signals, 09.05.2011
Ely, EWS Class 66, 66096 waiting at the signals, 09.05.2011
Claus Schönbrodt

66020 still in it's EWS colours, passing Ely northbound with an aggregates train.
4th of October 2010
66020 still in it's EWS colours, passing Ely northbound with an aggregates train. 4th of October 2010
Claus Schönbrodt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

1139 1024x682 Px, 12.10.2010

The EWS 66234 with a Cargo train by Russin. 
The EWS 66234 with a Cargo train by Russin. 29.05.2009
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

911 1024x730 Px, 30.09.2010

Ely, Freightliner 66516 with container, entering Ely Station from the north, warning signs. 07,07,2010
Ely, Freightliner 66516 with container, entering Ely Station from the north, warning signs. 07,07,2010
Claus Schönbrodt

Class 66 with a long cargo train in Cardiff
(Nov. 2000)
Class 66 with a long cargo train in Cardiff (Nov. 2000)
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

661 800x482 Px, 22.10.2009

The 66 407 in York.
The 66 407 in York. 30.03.2006
Stefan Wohlfahrt

United Kingdom / Diesel locomotives / Class 66

717 800x600 Px, 12.10.2009

Freightliner 66 558 in Chester, 2006
Freightliner 66 558 in Chester, 2006
Thomas Wendt


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