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(ID 16005)

. CFL universal tamping machine Unimat 08-275 photographed in Ettelbrück on September 9th, 2013.

. CFL universal tamping machine Unimat 08-275 photographed in Ettelbrück on September 9th, 2013.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny http://wwwfotococktail-revival.startbilder.de 10.09.2013, 757 Calls, 0 Comments

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 SNCB 08511 from Michelau near Ettelbrück on February 16th, 2020.
SNCB 08511 from Michelau near Ettelbrück on February 16th, 2020.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. 3014 is running through the station of Ettelbrück on June 19th, 2015.
. 3014 is running through the station of Ettelbrück on June 19th, 2015.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. 4006 pictured with bilevel cars in Ettelbrück on November 6th, 2014.
. 4006 pictured with bilevel cars in Ettelbrück on November 6th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. Z 2221 as RB 3580 Ettelbrück - Luxembourg City photographed in Ettelbrück on November 5th, 2014.
. Z 2221 as RB 3580 Ettelbrück - Luxembourg City photographed in Ettelbrück on November 5th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

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