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A DV ET 426 to Schaffhausen by Bietingen.

(ID 30840)

A DV ET 426 to Schaffhausen by Bietingen.

A DV ET 426 to Schaffhausen by Bietingen.

Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 09.06.2017, 234 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: SONY ILCA-77M2, Datum 2016:06:18 17:43:03, Belichtungsdauer: 0.001 s (1/800) (1/800), Blende: f/10.0, ISO400, Brennweite: 28.00 (280/10)

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The DB 426 014-7 as RB on the journey from Signne to Schaffhausen stopping in Bietingen.
Sept. 19, 2022
The DB 426 014-7 as RB on the journey from Signne to Schaffhausen stopping in Bietingen. Sept. 19, 2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Electric multiple units / 426

37 1200x806 Px, 15.11.2023

A picture of a slightly different kind: a DB 426 can only be seen very small on the journey from Schaffhasen to Singen near Bietingen. It's almost a train search picture...

Sept. 19, 2022
A picture of a slightly different kind: a DB 426 can only be seen very small on the journey from Schaffhasen to Singen near Bietingen. It's almost a train search picture... Sept. 19, 2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Electric multiple units / 426

42 1200x773 Px, 15.11.2023

A DB 426 traveling from Schaffhausen to Singen will soon reach the Bietingen stop.

Sept. 19, 2022
A DB 426 traveling from Schaffhausen to Singen will soon reach the Bietingen stop. Sept. 19, 2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Electric multiple units / 426

40 1200x789 Px, 15.11.2023

The DB 426 514-6 traveling as a regional train from Singen to Schaffhausen reaches the Bietingen stop.

Sept. 19, 2022
The DB 426 514-6 traveling as a regional train from Singen to Schaffhausen reaches the Bietingen stop. Sept. 19, 2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Electric multiple units / 426

38 1200x777 Px, 15.11.2023

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