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Two VT 426 are leaving Trier to Wittlich Hbf.

(ID 11685)

Two VT 426 are leaving Trier to Wittlich Hbf. 

Two VT 426 are leaving Trier to Wittlich Hbf.

Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 27.09.2012, 458 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: SONY DSLR-A350, Datum 2012:09:25 15:48:16, Belichtungsdauer: 0.003 s (1/320) (1/320), Blende: f/8.0, ISO100, Brennweite: 30.00 (300/10)

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The DB 426 014-7 as RB on the journey from Signne to Schaffhausen stopping in Bietingen.
Sept. 19, 2022
The DB 426 014-7 as RB on the journey from Signne to Schaffhausen stopping in Bietingen. Sept. 19, 2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Electric multiple units / 426

37 1200x806 Px, 15.11.2023

A picture of a slightly different kind: a DB 426 can only be seen very small on the journey from Schaffhasen to Singen near Bietingen. It's almost a train search picture...

Sept. 19, 2022
A picture of a slightly different kind: a DB 426 can only be seen very small on the journey from Schaffhasen to Singen near Bietingen. It's almost a train search picture... Sept. 19, 2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Electric multiple units / 426

42 1200x773 Px, 15.11.2023

A DB 426 traveling from Schaffhausen to Singen will soon reach the Bietingen stop.

Sept. 19, 2022
A DB 426 traveling from Schaffhausen to Singen will soon reach the Bietingen stop. Sept. 19, 2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Electric multiple units / 426

40 1200x789 Px, 15.11.2023

The DB 426 514-6 traveling as a regional train from Singen to Schaffhausen reaches the Bietingen stop.

Sept. 19, 2022
The DB 426 514-6 traveling as a regional train from Singen to Schaffhausen reaches the Bietingen stop. Sept. 19, 2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Electric multiple units / 426

38 1200x777 Px, 15.11.2023

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