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RTB 193 756 "750th Vectron" hauls a container train through Köln Süd on 19 May 2022.

(ID 47965)

RTB 193 756  750th Vectron  hauls a container train through Köln Süd on 19 May 2022.

RTB 193 756 "750th Vectron" hauls a container train through Köln Süd on 19 May 2022.

Leonardus Schrijvers 23.11.2022, 50 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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RTB 193 756 stands at Amersfoort with a PCC container train from Poland on 8 June 2024.
RTB 193 756 stands at Amersfoort with a PCC container train from Poland on 8 June 2024.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Companies / Rurtalbahn GmbH

16 1200x800 Px, 09.06.2024

On a murky 25 May 2024, RTB 193 564 awaits further tasks at Blerick.
On a murky 25 May 2024, RTB 193 564 awaits further tasks at Blerick.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Companies / Rurtalbahn GmbH

19 1200x800 Px, 29.05.2024

RTBC 193 945 'HUTCHISON PORTS' hauls a container traqin to Rotterdam out of Blerick on a murky 25 May 2024.
RTBC 193 945 'HUTCHISON PORTS' hauls a container traqin to Rotterdam out of Blerick on a murky 25 May 2024.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Companies / Rurtalbahn GmbH

18 1200x800 Px, 29.05.2024

RTB/RailPool 186 438 stands at Blerick on 18 March 2022, waiting for a new container shuttle train to Kijfhoek.
RTB/RailPool 186 438 stands at Blerick on 18 March 2022, waiting for a new container shuttle train to Kijfhoek.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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