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Lokomotion/KombiVerkehr U2-028 stands at Kufstein on 29 May 2008.

(ID 48689)

Lokomotion/KombiVerkehr U2-028 stands at Kufstein on 29 May 2008.

Lokomotion/KombiVerkehr U2-028 stands at Kufstein on 29 May 2008.

Leonardus Schrijvers 24.02.2023, 52 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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Fortezza sees 189 932 calling with an EuroCity Verona->Innsbruck on 20 May 2010 due to the late acceptance of ÖBB Class 1216, meaning, MRCE/DispoLok 189s were drafted in as mercenaries for EC trains.
Fortezza sees 189 932 calling with an EuroCity Verona->Innsbruck on 20 May 2010 due to the late acceptance of ÖBB Class 1216, meaning, MRCE/DispoLok 189s were drafted in as mercenaries for EC trains.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Perspective Job! On 17 September 2019 Lokomotion 186 443 enters Kufstein hauling an intermodal train and recruiting new loco drivers.
Perspective Job! On 17 September 2019 Lokomotion 186 443 enters Kufstein hauling an intermodal train and recruiting new loco drivers.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 17 September 2019 Lokomotion 193 772 hauls two locos and a fully loaded intermodal train from Munich into Kufstein.
On 17 September 2019 Lokomotion 193 772 hauls two locos and a fully loaded intermodal train from Munich into Kufstein.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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