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The SNCF CC 6578 with a Fast Service in Dijon.

(ID 46062)

The SNCF CC 6578 with a Fast Service in Dijon. 

Analog picture / sept. 1998

The SNCF CC 6578 with a Fast Service in Dijon.

Analog picture / sept. 1998

Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 09.01.2022, 114 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: SONY ILCA-77M2, Datum 2022:01:09 12:05:16, Belichtungsdauer: 1/200, Blende: 45/10, ISO100, Brennweite: 500/10

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CC 6572 stands in the Cité du Train in Mulhouse and was photographed on 24 September 2010.
CC 6572 stands in the Cité du Train in Mulhouse and was photographed on 24 September 2010.
Leonardus Schrijvers

The CC 6572 presents itself at the museum Cité du Train in Mulhouse as fresh from the factory. But this locomotive has its characteristic: It is not the CC 6572, it carry only its number signs and the name  Résistance Fer .  It is the original CC 6565. In general, the SCNF locomotives were baptized exclusively after the names of cities. Not so the CC 6572, which was  baptized  Résistance Fer  in memory of the organized resistance of railroadmen against the German occupation during  the second world war. After the original was scrapped, the actual CC 6565 inherit the number signs and the name of CC 6572, in order to have again a locomotive with this name for ceremonies. During their setting into service 1969, the CC 6500 were certified the highest performance locomotives of the SNCF with a maximum speed of 200 km/h. They carry the unmistakable design of the so-called  nez cassé  (broken nose) of the designer Paul Arzens. June 19th. 2010.
The CC 6572 presents itself at the museum Cité du Train in Mulhouse as fresh from the factory. But this locomotive has its characteristic: It is not the CC 6572, it carry only its number signs and the name "Résistance Fer". It is the original CC 6565. In general, the SCNF locomotives were baptized exclusively after the names of cities. Not so the CC 6572, which was baptized "Résistance Fer" in memory of the organized resistance of railroadmen against the German occupation during the second world war. After the original was scrapped, the actual CC 6565 inherit the number signs and the name of CC 6572, in order to have again a locomotive with this name for ceremonies. During their setting into service 1969, the CC 6500 were certified the highest performance locomotives of the SNCF with a maximum speed of 200 km/h. They carry the unmistakable design of the so-called "nez cassé" (broken nose) of the designer Paul Arzens. June 19th. 2010.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

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