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T478 2006/751 236 shunts an EBS 232 at Benesov u Prahy on 10 September 2022.

(ID 48411)

T478 2006/751 236 shunts an EBS 232 at Benesov u Prahy on 10 September 2022.

T478 2006/751 236 shunts an EBS 232 at Benesov u Prahy on 10 September 2022.

Leonardus Schrijvers 08.01.2023, 40 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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T478 2006 stands with a quasi Städte-Express in Benesov u Prahy on 10 September 2022.
T478 2006 stands with a quasi Städte-Express in Benesov u Prahy on 10 September 2022.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Czechia / Diesel locomotives / 751

71 1200x800 Px, 11.02.2023

On 12 June 2022 T478-1148 is seen at Luzna u Rakovnika after having received a fresh retro paint job.
On 12 June 2022 T478-1148 is seen at Luzna u Rakovnika after having received a fresh retro paint job.
Leonardus Schrijvers

T478 1008 stands on 13 May 2012 in the railway museum of Luzna u Rakovnika.
T478 1008 stands on 13 May 2012 in the railway museum of Luzna u Rakovnika.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Bardotka T478 1215 runs round through Praha hl.n. on Sunday 20 September 2020. Each Sunday KZC Doprava deploys museum stock on at least three special trains to and from Praha hl.n.
Bardotka T478 1215 runs round through Praha hl.n. on Sunday 20 September 2020. Each Sunday KZC Doprava deploys museum stock on at least three special trains to and from Praha hl.n.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Czechia / Diesel locomotives / 751

112 1200x800 Px, 30.09.2020

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