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VVT - Vapeur Val de Travers Fotos

10 Bilder
One of the guest at the CFV3V's  50th anniversary was SSV Tigerli 8511. On 22 September 2023 she runs round at Treignes after having brought in one of many steam shuttles.
One of the guest at the CFV3V's 50th anniversary was SSV Tigerli 8511. On 22 September 2023 she runs round at Treignes after having brought in one of many steam shuttles.
Leonardus Schrijvers

One of the guest at the CFV3V's  50th anniversary was VVT Tigerli 8511. She stands at Mariembourg on 22 September 2023.
One of the guest at the CFV3V's 50th anniversary was VVT Tigerli 8511. She stands at Mariembourg on 22 September 2023.
Leonardus Schrijvers

One of the guest at the CFV3V's  50th anniversary was VVT Tigerli 8511. She stands with stickers for the event at Mariembourg on 22 September 2023.
One of the guest at the CFV3V's 50th anniversary was VVT Tigerli 8511. She stands with stickers for the event at Mariembourg on 22 September 2023.
Leonardus Schrijvers

The VVT 52 202 on the way to Vevey in Chavornay.
The VVT 52 202 on the way to Vevey in Chavornay. 14.05.2016
Stefan Wohlfahrt

52 221 in Chavornay.
52 221 in Chavornay. 14.05.2016
Stefan Wohlfahrt

52 221 in Vevey. 
52 221 in Vevey. 14.05.2016
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The VVT 52 221 in Vevey.
The VVT 52 221 in Vevey. 14.05.2016
Stefan Wohlfahrt


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