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Verein 241-A-65 Fotos

4 Bilder
The big SNCF 241-A-65 wiht his special service is arriving at the Konstanz Station. 

The big SNCF 241-A-65 wiht his special service is arriving at the Konstanz Station. 09.12.2017
Stefan Wohlfahrt

French steamer 241 A-65 calls at Interlaken ost with a special train on a very bad-weathered 14 May 2010.
French steamer 241 A-65 calls at Interlaken ost with a special train on a very bad-weathered 14 May 2010.
Leonardus Schrijvers

The SNCF  241 R 65 in Konstanz.

The SNCF 241 R 65 in Konstanz. 09.12.2017
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The SNCF 241 R 65 in Konstanz.

The SNCF 241 R 65 in Konstanz. 09.12.2017
Stefan Wohlfahrt


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