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Regional and commuter traffic (IRE/RE/RB) Fotos

172 Bilder
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BR143 in Stuttgart Hbf. am 16.02.2009
BR143 in Stuttgart Hbf. am 16.02.2009
Maik Kretschmer

A Schönefeld Airport Express train in Berlin-Karlshorst. Each 30 minutes a regional train goes from Berlin to Schönefeld Airport. 2008
A Schönefeld Airport Express train in Berlin-Karlshorst. Each 30 minutes a regional train goes from Berlin to Schönefeld Airport. 2008
Thomas Wendt

A regional train at the Hohenzollernbrücke in Cologne. In background you can see the Dom. 2007
A regional train at the Hohenzollernbrücke in Cologne. In background you can see the Dom. 2007
Thomas Wendt

In Germany going by bike is very popular. There are many green, car free routes in each state. Using regional trains with bikes is mostly uncomplicated. In the picture a young family is waiting for a train. 07/2009
In Germany going by bike is very popular. There are many green, car free routes in each state. Using regional trains with bikes is mostly uncomplicated. In the picture a young family is waiting for a train. 07/2009
Thomas Wendt

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