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Museum of transport Luzern Fotos

11 Bilder
RCT-09 stands in the Verkehrshaus Luzern and is photographed on 14 September 2011.
RCT-09 stands in the Verkehrshaus Luzern and is photographed on 14 September 2011.
Leonardus Schrijvers

 Ländilok  then the strongest electric loco in the world 11851 has found a good resting place in the Verkehrshaus Luzern, 14 September 2011.
"Ländilok" then the strongest electric loco in the world 11851 has found a good resting place in the Verkehrshaus Luzern, 14 September 2011.
Leonardus Schrijvers

SBB 13254 stands in the Verkehrshaus Luzern and is photographed on 14 September 2011.
SBB 13254 stands in the Verkehrshaus Luzern and is photographed on 14 September 2011.
Leonardus Schrijvers

GottardBahn 11 stands in the Verkehrshaus Museum in Luzern on 23 May 2011.
GottardBahn 11 stands in the Verkehrshaus Museum in Luzern on 23 May 2011.
Leonardus Schrijvers

The steam locomotive H 1/2 N° 1  Gnom  taken in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
The steam locomotive H 1/2 N° 1 "Gnom" taken in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Ce 2/2  Häde  N° 2 from 1923 of the Railway Company Zürich - Uetliberg BZUe pictured in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
Ce 2/2 "Häde" N° 2 from 1923 of the Railway Company Zürich - Uetliberg BZUe pictured in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

RCe 2/4 N° 203 taken in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
RCe 2/4 N° 203 taken in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

The SBB crocodile Be 6/8 II N° 13254 taken in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
The SBB crocodile Be 6/8 II N° 13254 taken in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

The steam locomotive C 5/6 2965 photographed in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
The steam locomotive C 5/6 2965 photographed in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

The RhB Ge 4/4 I N° 602  Bernina  taken in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
The RhB Ge 4/4 I N° 602 "Bernina" taken in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

The RhB Ge 6/6 I N° 402 photographed in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
The RhB Ge 6/6 I N° 402 photographed in the museum of transport in Luzern on September 12th, 2012.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny


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