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523 Fotos

416 Bilder
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The Flirt 523 028 on the way to Villeneuve is arriving at St Saphorin.
26.04. 2011
The Flirt 523 028 on the way to Villeneuve is arriving at St Saphorin. 26.04. 2011
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

765  2 787x1024 Px, 21.05.2011

Not really often run Flirts on the S21 Services to Payerne: SBB Flirt 523 025 between Bossière and Grandvaux. 
Not really often run Flirts on the S21 Services to Payerne: SBB Flirt 523 025 between Bossière and Grandvaux. 01.04.2011
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

588 1024x666 Px, 25.04.2011

The REV Service from Allaman at Villeneuve. This Train terminate here. 
14. 01.2011
The REV Service from Allaman at Villeneuve. This Train terminate here. 14. 01.2011
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

703 1024x686 Px, 12.04.2011

The REV S1 (RABDe 523 031) makes a stop in the Veytaux-Chillon Station. 
The REV S1 (RABDe 523 031) makes a stop in the Veytaux-Chillon Station. 29.03.2011a
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

703 1024x640 Px, 29.03.2011

Springtime and Flirt.
by the castle of Chillon
Springtime and Flirt. by the castle of Chillon 29.03.2011
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

657 1024x740 Px, 29.03.2011

The REV S1 to Yverdon is just leaving Villeneuve Station. 
The REV S1 to Yverdon is just leaving Villeneuve Station. 29.03.2011
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

770 1024x686 Px, 29.03.2011

The Spring-Times is coming: Flirt by Rivaz. 
The Spring-Times is coming: Flirt by Rivaz. 14.03.2011
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

625 1024x671 Px, 17.03.2011

Flirt 523 024 by Villeneuve. 
Flirt 523 024 by Villeneuve. 04.08.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

668 1024x704 Px, 10.01.2011

A Flirt in Vevey on the new Years Day 2011.
A Flirt in Vevey on the new Years Day 2011.
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

1001 1024x648 Px, 09.01.2011

The  Flirt  523 025 to Allaman in Villette VD. 
The "Flirt" 523 025 to Allaman in Villette VD. 27.12.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

684 1024x620 Px, 31.12.2010

A Flirt to Lausanne in Rivaz. 
A Flirt to Lausanne in Rivaz. 04.11.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

646 733x1024 Px, 07.12.2010

A  Flirt  by St-Saphorin.
A "Flirt" by St-Saphorin. 04.11.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

691 1024x760 Px, 22.11.2010

Flirt by Villeneuve.
Flirt by Villeneuve. 04.10.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

678 783x1024 Px, 05.11.2010

A Flirt to Lausanne by Rivaz. 
A Flirt to Lausanne by Rivaz. 03.10.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

833 1024x724 Px, 01.11.2010

A Flirt to Lausanne by the Castle of Chillon. 
A Flirt to Lausanne by the Castle of Chillon. 04.10.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

702 764x1024 Px, 01.11.2010

On the way to Lausanne: A Flirt by the Castle of Chillon. 
On the way to Lausanne: A Flirt by the Castle of Chillon. 04.10.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

650 1024x654 Px, 01.11.2010

Flirt to Villeneuve by the Old Mills by Rivaz. 
Flirt to Villeneuve by the Old Mills by Rivaz. 03.08.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

690 1024x686 Px, 03.09.2010

A Flirt by Rivaz. 
A Flirt by Rivaz. 03.08.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

660 1024x623 Px, 30.08.2010

A Flirt by Rivaz on the way to Allaman. 
A Flirt by Rivaz on the way to Allaman. 07.07.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

610 1024x675 Px, 14.07.2010

A Flirt by the Castle of Chillon. 
A Flirt by the Castle of Chillon. 24.06.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

607 1024x688 Px, 01.07.2010

The stone knows that the Flirt have 25 kilometers to run to Lausanne...
The stone knows that the Flirt have 25 kilometers to run to Lausanne... 24.06.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

567 704x1024 Px, 01.07.2010

A FLIRT by the Castle of Chillon. 
A FLIRT by the Castle of Chillon. 08.06.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

745 994x1024 Px, 08.06.2010

A Flirt in La Conversion.
A Flirt in La Conversion. 15.04.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

648 1024x815 Px, 01.05.2010

Local train service to Villeneuve by Villette (VD).
Local train service to Villeneuve by Villette (VD). 23.03.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

491 1024x682 Px, 23.03.2010

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