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ITL Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH Fotos

19 Bilder
On 11 April 2014 ITL 186 138 readies herself for departure at Bad Schandau with a coal train for Dresden-friedrichstadt.
On 11 April 2014 ITL 186 138 readies herself for departure at Bad Schandau with a coal train for Dresden-friedrichstadt.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 23 May 2015 ITL 152 197 runs light through Pirna.
On 23 May 2015 ITL 152 197 runs light through Pirna.
Leonardus Schrijvers

ITL 152 197 hauls a tank train through Hamburg-Harburg on 28 April 2016.
ITL 152 197 hauls a tank train through Hamburg-Harburg on 28 April 2016.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On a damp and rainy 10 April 2014 ITL 185 649 stands at Bad Schandau with an oil train.
On a damp and rainy 10 April 2014 ITL 185 649 stands at Bad Schandau with an oil train.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Side view on ITL 185 650 at Bad Schandau on 23 May 2015.
Side view on ITL 185 650 at Bad Schandau on 23 May 2015.
Leonardus Schrijvers

ITL 185-CL-004 departs from Recklinghausen Süd, hauling a coal train on 22 May 2017.
ITL 185-CL-004 departs from Recklinghausen Süd, hauling a coal train on 22 May 2017.
Leonardus Schrijvers

ITL 185-CL-004 departs from Recklinghausen Süd, hauling a coal train on 22 May 2017.
ITL 185-CL-004 departs from Recklinghausen Süd, hauling a coal train on 22 May 2017.
Leonardus Schrijvers

ITL 285 108 stands at Bad Schandau on 9 April 2014.
ITL 285 108 stands at Bad Schandau on 9 April 2014.
Leonardus Schrijvers

ITL 185 611 hauls a tank train through Stendal on 28 April 2016.
ITL 185 611 hauls a tank train through Stendal on 28 April 2016.
Leonardus Schrijvers

ITL 186 150 hauls a diverted container train through Wijchen on 24 Janujary 2008.
ITL 186 150 hauls a diverted container train through Wijchen on 24 Janujary 2008.
Leonardus Schrijvers


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