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33 Bilder
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. Z 2000 double unit is running as RB 3635 Diekirch - Luxembourg City between Cruchten and Essingen on April 21st, 2015.
. Z 2000 double unit is running as RB 3635 Diekirch - Luxembourg City between Cruchten and Essingen on April 21st, 2015.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The RE 3735 Troisvierges - Luxembourg City photographed near Cruchten on April 21st, 2015.
. 4017 is heading the IR 3735 Troisvierges - Luxembourg City between Colmar-Berg and Cruchten on March 16th, 2014.
. 4017 is heading the IR 3735 Troisvierges - Luxembourg City between Colmar-Berg and Cruchten on March 16th, 2014.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. Z 2006 photographed between Cruchten and Colmar-Berg on May 3rd, 2013.
. Z 2006 photographed between Cruchten and Colmar-Berg on May 3rd, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. 4016 is hauling the IR 3712 Luxembourg City - Troisvierges through the sation of Cruchten on October 19th, 20013.
. 4016 is hauling the IR 3712 Luxembourg City - Troisvierges through the sation of Cruchten on October 19th, 20013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. 2200 double unit is entering into the tunnel Cruchten on May 3rd, 2013.
. 2200 double unit is entering into the tunnel Cruchten on May 3rd, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The Robel 704 is running between Colmar-Berg and Cruchten on May 3rd, 2013.
. The Robel 704 is running between Colmar-Berg and Cruchten on May 3rd, 2013.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

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