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(ID 17132)

. The light oil fired BRB engine N° 14 photographed in Rothorn Kulm on September 28th, 2013.

. The light oil fired BRB engine N° 14 photographed in Rothorn Kulm on September 28th, 2013.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny http://wwwfotococktail-revival.startbilder.de 26.10.2013, 484 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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The Brienz Rothorn Bahn H 2/3 N° 5 in Brienz. 

The Brienz Rothorn Bahn H 2/3 N° 5 in Brienz. 30.06.2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Swiss Steam Days Brienz 2018 - of course this also includes the Brienz Rothorn Railway, which is already steaming here. As part of the festivities, the BRB offered a few trains from Brienz to Gäldried and back. The picture shows the coal-fired H 2/3 N° 7 with its train to the Brienzer Rothorn summit station.

June 30, 2018
Swiss Steam Days Brienz 2018 - of course this also includes the Brienz Rothorn Railway, which is already steaming here. As part of the festivities, the BRB offered a few trains from Brienz to Gäldried and back. The picture shows the coal-fired H 2/3 N° 7 with its train to the Brienzer Rothorn summit station. June 30, 2018
Stefan Wohlfahrt

BRB Steamer trains crossing at the Planalp Station. 

BRB Steamer trains crossing at the Planalp Station. 707.07.2016
Stefan Wohlfahrt

A BRB local train by the Planalp Station. 

A BRB local train by the Planalp Station. 07.07.2016
Stefan Wohlfahrt

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