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25.08.2019 | Mszana Dolna - OKz32-2 with "Transwersalny" going to Kasina Wielka.

(ID 46993)

25.08.2019 | Mszana Dolna - OKz32-2 with  Transwersalny  going to Kasina Wielka.

25.08.2019 | Mszana Dolna - OKz32-2 with "Transwersalny" going to Kasina Wielka.

Marcin Łosicki 01.07.2022, 137 Aufrufe, 2 Kommentare

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Marcin Łosicki 02.07.2022 09:21

need new category for OKz32 ;)

Stefan Wohlfahrt 03.07.2022 18:29

Hello Marcin,
a realy nice picture!
Grettings Stefan

OKz 32-2 stands in Wolsztyn before taking her part in the annual loco parade on 30 April 2016.
OKz 32-2 stands in Wolsztyn before taking her part in the annual loco parade on 30 April 2016.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Poland / Steam locomotives / OKz32

60 1200x798 Px, 20.11.2022

On 30 April 2016 OKz 32-2 takes part in the annual steam engine parade at Wolsztyn. In 1934 25 engines Class OKz32 were build for the steep track between Krakow and Zakopane. After WW-II only eleven were left to join the reborn PKP ranks. In 1974 the last three locos of the class, including now spared museum loco OKz 32-2 were decommissioned.
On 30 April 2016 OKz 32-2 takes part in the annual steam engine parade at Wolsztyn. In 1934 25 engines Class OKz32 were build for the steep track between Krakow and Zakopane. After WW-II only eleven were left to join the reborn PKP ranks. In 1974 the last three locos of the class, including now spared museum loco OKz 32-2 were decommissioned.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Poland / Steam locomotives / OKz32

60 1200x800 Px, 20.11.2022

OKz32-2 is about to depart with a steam shuttle train from Wolsztyn on 30 April 2016.
OKz32-2 is about to depart with a steam shuttle train from Wolsztyn on 30 April 2016.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Poland / Steam locomotives / OKz32

60 1200x802 Px, 08.10.2022

On 29 April 2016 OKz32-2 gets fresh coal and water at Wolsztyn.
On 29 April 2016 OKz32-2 gets fresh coal and water at Wolsztyn.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Poland / Steam locomotives / OKz32

59 1200x801 Px, 08.10.2022

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