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ICE-T double unit is running through the station of Kaub on June 25th, 2011.

(ID 8437)

ICE-T double unit is running through the station of Kaub on June 25th, 2011.

ICE-T double unit is running through the station of Kaub on June 25th, 2011.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny http://wwwfotococktail-revival.startbilder.de 13.07.2011, 755 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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The DB ICE 411 055 comming from München is arriving at Bregenz. This is the ICE 1217 service.

The DB ICE 411 055 comming from München is arriving at Bregenz. This is the ICE 1217 service. 14.08.2021
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / High speed trains (ICE) / 411 (ICE-T)

46 1200x806 Px, 28.05.2023

The DB ICE 411 055 comming from München is arrivied at Bregenz. This ICE  is now going ot Wolfurt.

The DB ICE 411 055 comming from München is arrivied at Bregenz. This ICE is now going ot Wolfurt. 14.08.2021
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / High speed trains (ICE) / 411 (ICE-T)

41 1200x834 Px, 28.05.2023

Still yet possible: ICE 411 052/552 'TRAVEMÜNDE' stands in Hamburg-Altona on 21 September 2022. Hamburg-Altona's  surface station is to be demolished within a few years.
Still yet possible: ICE 411 052/552 'TRAVEMÜNDE' stands in Hamburg-Altona on 21 September 2022. Hamburg-Altona's surface station is to be demolished within a few years.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / High speed trains (ICE) / 411 (ICE-T)

62 1200x800 Px, 12.12.2022

The DB ICE 411 051 is comming from München arrived at Bregenz. Late in the Day this train will runs to Berlin. 

The DB ICE 411 051 is comming from München arrived at Bregenz. Late in the Day this train will runs to Berlin. 14.08.2021
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / High speed trains (ICE) / 411 (ICE-T)

104 1200x806 Px, 15.08.2021

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