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Frog's view on WLV 193 251 at Würzburg Hbf on 25 May 2022.

(ID 46975)

Frog's view on WLV 193 251 at Würzburg Hbf on 25 May 2022.

Frog's view on WLV 193 251 at Würzburg Hbf on 25 May 2022.

Leonardus Schrijvers 29.06.2022, 105 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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Side view on WLC 193 236 at Linz Hbf on 20 May 2023.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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WLC 193 236 hauls an empty BLG train through Linz Hbf on 20 May 2023.
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WLC 187 324 hauls a container train through Linz Hbf on 20 May 2023.
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Sadly against the Sun light: WLC 193 943 shows up at Hulten on 5 April 2023, advertising WLC's Green Mobility Alliance.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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