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Multiple units 312-133 run through Maribor-Tabor on the way to Dobova.

(ID 22893)

Multiple units 312-133 run through Maribor-Tabor on the way to Dobova. /11.11.2014

Multiple units 312-133 run through Maribor-Tabor on the way to Dobova. /11.11.2014

Franci Vuk 12.01.2015, 365 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D7000, Datum 2014:11:11 10:18:09, Belichtungsdauer: 0.002 s (1/640) (1/640), Blende: f/7.1, ISO250, Brennweite: 42.00 (42/1)

0 Kommentare, Alle Kommentare
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09.08.2019 | Ostrožno - Desiro (312-107) going to Maribor.
09.08.2019 | Ostrožno - Desiro (312-107) going to Maribor.
Marcin Łosicki

Slovenia / Electric multiple units / 312 Desiro

68 1200x800 Px, 05.02.2023

09.08.2019 | Spodnja Brežnica - Desiro (312-107) left Poljčane station, going to Maribor.
09.08.2019 | Spodnja Brežnica - Desiro (312-107) left Poljčane station, going to Maribor.
Marcin Łosicki

Slovenia / Electric multiple units / 312 Desiro

59 1200x799 Px, 15.01.2023

SZ312-003 stands in Ljubljana on 19 May 2010.
SZ312-003 stands in Ljubljana on 19 May 2010.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Slovenia / Electric multiple units / 312 Desiro

176 1200x799 Px, 15.03.2020

The SZ 312 002 in Ljubljana.
Spring 2001
The SZ 312 002 in Ljubljana. Spring 2001
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Slovenia / Electric multiple units / 312 Desiro

281 1200x805 Px, 05.12.2017

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