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EN57-1158 has brought in a load of supporters of Lech Poznan for the Finals of the Polish Soccer Championship at Warszawa-Zachodnia on 2 May 2016.

(ID 47973)

EN57-1158 has brought in a load of supporters of Lech Poznan for the Finals of the Polish Soccer Championship at Warszawa-Zachodnia on 2 May 2016. Legio Warszawa beat Lech Poznan 1-0 to win the Finals.

EN57-1158 has brought in a load of supporters of Lech Poznan for the Finals of the Polish Soccer Championship at Warszawa-Zachodnia on 2 May 2016. Legio Warszawa beat Lech Poznan 1-0 to win the Finals.

Leonardus Schrijvers 23.11.2022, 67 Calls, 0 Comments

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EN57-AKM 1692 quits Gdynia on 5 May 2024.
EN57-AKM 1692 quits Gdynia on 5 May 2024.
Leonardus Schrijvers

23.01.2023 | Międzyrzec Podlaski - EN57 enter the station from the side Łuków.
23.01.2023 | Międzyrzec Podlaski - EN57 enter the station from the side Łuków.
Marcin Łosicki

14.08.2021 | Misie - EN57ALd-2235 is heading towards Międzyrzec Podlaski.
14.08.2021 | Misie - EN57ALd-2235 is heading towards Międzyrzec Podlaski.
Marcin Łosicki

08.12.2013 | Międzyrzec Podlaski - EN57-1373 enter the station, going from Terespol to Łuków.
08.12.2013 | Międzyrzec Podlaski - EN57-1373 enter the station, going from Terespol to Łuków.
Marcin Łosicki

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