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The RB 3214 Luxembourg City - Wiltz is running near Merkholtz on July 4th, 2012.

(ID 11335)

The RB 3214 Luxembourg City - Wiltz is running near Merkholtz on July 4th, 2012.

The RB 3214 Luxembourg City - Wiltz is running near Merkholtz on July 4th, 2012.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny http://wwwfotococktail-revival.startbilder.de 26.07.2012, 1286 Aufrufe, 1 Kommentar

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Olli 28.07.2012 20:31

Hello Hans, this is a third, nice to view variant.
Cheers, Olli

. The RE 3845 Troisvierges - Luxembourg City pictured in the evening mood of July 16th, 2015 in Wilwerwiltz.
. The RE 3845 Troisvierges - Luxembourg City pictured in the evening mood of July 16th, 2015 in Wilwerwiltz.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

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