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Saxony's railway pride of once 19 017 misses her head lights while standing at Dresden Hbf on 8 April 2018.

(ID 46392)

Saxony's railway pride of once 19 017 misses her head lights while standing at Dresden Hbf on 8 April 2018.

Saxony's railway pride of once 19 017 misses her head lights while standing at Dresden Hbf on 8 April 2018.

Leonardus Schrijvers 21.02.2022, 75 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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Saxony's railway pride of once 19 017 misses her head lights while standing at Dresden Hbf on 8 April 2018.
Saxony's railway pride of once 19 017 misses her head lights while standing at Dresden Hbf on 8 April 2018.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Opening of the season railroad museum Dresden old town (26, 27 & 28.03.2010)
Opening of the season railroad museum Dresden old town (26, 27 & 28.03.2010) www.igbwdresdenaltstadt.de
Maik Leiter

Germany / Steam locomotives / 19

670 768x1024 Px, 30.03.2010

Seasonal end in Dresden EBM Old Town on the 03/10/09,
Seasonal end in Dresden EBM Old Town on the 03/10/09, www.igbwdresdenaltstadt.de
Maik Leiter

Seasonal end in Dresden EBM Old Town on the 03/10/09,

89 6009, unfortunately, with kettle damage,
if approx. 100000¤ cost to the repair,

Donation account at the Sparda bank of Berlin: IG Dresden Old Town

Headword: Kettle check 89-6009, account No.: No. 3 69 76 22,

at the Sparda bank of Berlin e. G., bank code number: In 1209, 6597 

from the foreign countries: IBAN: DE85 1209 in 6597 0003 6976 22, BIC: GENETIC ODE F1S10
Seasonal end in Dresden EBM Old Town on the 03/10/09, www.igbwdresdenaltstadt.de 89 6009, unfortunately, with kettle damage, if approx. 100000¤ cost to the repair, Donation account at the Sparda bank of Berlin: IG Dresden Old Town Headword: Kettle check 89-6009, account No.: No. 3 69 76 22, at the Sparda bank of Berlin e. G., bank code number: In 1209, 6597 from the foreign countries: IBAN: DE85 1209 in 6597 0003 6976 22, BIC: GENETIC ODE F1S10
Maik Leiter

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