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730 613-7 at the raiway station Kladno in 2012:09:15.

(ID 11881)

730 613-7 at the raiway station Kladno in 2012:09:15. Privat company KDS Kladno.

730 613-7 at the raiway station Kladno in 2012:09:15. Privat company KDS Kladno.

Jiri Zanka 19.10.2012, 542 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

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IDS Cargo 730 635 shunts at Pardubice on 14 September 2018.
IDS Cargo 730 635 shunts at Pardubice on 14 September 2018.
Leonardus Schrijvers

IDS Cargo 730 635 shunts at Pardubice on 14 September 2018.
IDS Cargo 730 635 shunts at Pardubice on 14 September 2018.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 4 June 2013, CD 730 018 is sidelined at Breclav. Since the CSD refrained from having a really standardised colour scheme of all traction, especially in the field of Diesel locomotives, each CSD depot used their own design, resulting in a plethora of different colour schemes, like on Class 730, five versions of which stood for years in Breclav.
On 4 June 2013, CD 730 018 is sidelined at Breclav. Since the CSD refrained from having a really standardised colour scheme of all traction, especially in the field of Diesel locomotives, each CSD depot used their own design, resulting in a plethora of different colour schemes, like on Class 730, five versions of which stood for years in Breclav.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Czechia / Diesel locomotives / 730

56 1200x800 Px, 21.10.2022

730 625-1 on 22.4.2021 in KDS Kladno
730 625-1 on 22.4.2021 in KDS Kladno
Jiri Zanka

Czechia / Diesel locomotives / 730

113 1200x894 Px, 27.07.2021

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